a midwife’s tale
The opening sequence of "A Midwife's Tale," a Blueberry Hill Productions film, based on the book by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. The film opened the 10th season of the PBS series "American Experience," and won a prime time Emmy for Outstanding Non-fiction. In this segment, we see historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich working with the diary of 18th century midwife Martha Ballard, beginning to piece together her life and her world.
This clip from "A Midwife's Tale" takes us to Hallowell, Maine in the summer of 1787, when midwife Martha Ballard was dealing with an epidemic that was sweeping through the town. In the film, historian Laurel Ulrich follows small, obscure clues and gradually figures out how midwife/healer Martha Ballard (played by Kaiulani Lee) felt about the people she cared for and the death of one small boy.
This segment from the Emmy-winning film "A Midwife's Tale" reveals how turbulent life was in America after the American Revolution. Midwife Martha Ballard deals with shifting attitudes in her home, while her husband is shot at by rebellious settlers in the woods. The film, which is based upon the book by Laurel Ulrich, was produced and written by Laurie Kahn, directed by Richard Rogers, and Kaiulani Lee plays the role of the midwife.
In this segment of the Emmy-winning film "A Midwife's Tale," we see the splendid ragtag parade put on by the people of Hallowell, Maine in 1800, commemorating George Washington shortly after his death. "A Midwife's Tale" is based upon the diary of midwife Martha Ballard and the book by historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. The film was produced and written by Laurie Kahn, directed by Dick Rogers, and Kaiulani Lee plays the midwife Martha Ballard.